Do Research at OCU
introduction on possibilities to do research at OCU
Priority Researches
OCU has three priority research fields for which it set up facilities to carry out world-leading research.
Fellowships and Guest Professors
Introduction of OCU Guest Professors, the OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers and the OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding.
Academic Exchange Agreements
Osaka City University (OCU) has concluded various academic exchange agreements with universities and research institutes abroad. Under these agreements, a number of mutual exchange programs for both researchers and students have been established. Within these agreements, OCU has made significant contributions to exchange and cooperative progress in a wide variety of academic fields. The University expects to extend this program through further agreements on academic exchanges with other overseas universities.
Researchers Database
For information about research fields, publications, current projects and contact details of Osaka City University researchers, please refer to the Researchers' Database.
Researchers need to obtain a visa before coming to Japan. For researchers on an OCU fellowship, Osaka City University (OCU) will apply to the Japanese ...
Guest House
?Osaka City University Guest House was founded in 1999 as accommodation facility for researchers who visit our university for international academic exchange ...