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Special Exhibition for 60th anniversary Botanical Gardens (1~29 June 2014)

Published on May 16, 2014


理欧洲杯安全买球网站_欧洲杯买球赛app-中国官方网站附属植物園 開園60周年特別展示「森の植物園の歩み」を開催(平成26年6月1日~29日)From 1 to 29 June the OCU Botanical Gardens will have a special exhibition on their 60 year history. The Botanical Gardens were established in 1950 as a research facility of the OCU Faculty of Science and Engineering, on the former Kouatakushoku exercise grounds in Kisaichi-shi, a suburb of Osaka. The Gardens were opened to the public 4 years later, in 1954.

Since its opening, the Gardens have been collecting and preserving countless plant and tree species for fundamental research, in particular trees native to Japan. It boasts 11 original types of Japanese forest. ?
The special exhibition will show photos and other historical materials of the work for the opening of the park, the Gardens in their first years and professors who were involved in the establishment. It is a great occasion for a visit to the Botanical Gardens in the beautiful spring time.

Short history

10 March 1941 Kouatakushoku exercise grounds established by the Osaka City Cultural Bureau
11 September 1945 Became agricultural practice ground of the Osaka City Economics Bureau
1 April 1950 Opening of Osaka City University Botanical Gardens (established by the Faculty of Science and Engineering)
1 June 1954 Opened to the public
1993~2001 Construction of research, operation and administrative buildings, and dismantlement of buildings from time of Kouatakushoku exercise grounds

Exhibition and visitor information

Exhibition Dates 1~29 June 2014
Location Osaka City University Botanical Gardens Exhibition Room
Kisaichi 2000, Katano-shi, Osaka Prefecture, 576-0004
Entrance Fees and Opening Hours ■Entrance Fee Botanical Gardens: Adults: 350 JPY
Junior High School student and younger: free
?groups (minimum 30 people): adults 280 JPY (reservation required)
?entrance free for people with a handicap and one person accompanying them (please bring identification that states handicap).
?entrance free for citizens of Osaka City older than 65 (please bring identification that states address and age)
■Opening hours:
9:30~16:30 (last admittance: 16:00)
Inquires -Inquiries in Japanese only-
Osaka City University Botanical Gardens
Kisaichi 2000, Katano-shi, Osaka Prefecture, 576-0004
Tel: 072-891-2059 (9:00~17:30)
