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Held International Student Festival

Published on Dec 28, 2017


The International Student Festival was held on December 20, 2017 at Tanaka Memorial Hall. The festival is held in April and December every year for the purpose of encouragement to mutual exchange of Japanese students and international students and has been held from 1972. So it is very traditional event for OCU.

About 120 participants including international students and Japanese students gathered the festival. First, Vice President Sakuragi made a speech in English. International Student Association vice chairman Shafiullah Parvej, doctoral course in Graduate School of Human Life Science, also gave a speech in English. Osaka City University Global Members or OGM acted as MC all in English.

Opening address by Vice President Sakuragi
留学生会副会長 Shafiullah Parvejさんによるスピーチ
Speech by Foreign student society vice chairman Shafiullah Parvej




The new OGM members were introduced at the festival. Former OGM chairman received a letter of appreciation from Director Odanaka in Global Exchange Office. The winners in recent Foreign Student Speech Contest were introduced. The participants enjoyed Indonesian dance and group singing.

Awarded a letter of appreciation to former OGM chairman
留学生スピーチコンテスト銅賞受賞<br/> マ ビンビンさん
Ma Binbin who won a bronze prize
in Japanese Speech Contest


Indonesian Dance
Group Singing by Friede

Director Odanaka made a toast and the participants started to eat with joyful conversation. Since the participants were distributed lottery card, they were so excited what they could get. Global Exchange Committee chairman Shigeyuki Minami gave a closing speech.

The Party
教育後援会国際交流委員長 南先生による<br/>閉会のあいさつ
Closing Speech by Educational Supporting Group
Global Exchange Committee Chairman Shigeyuki Minami
