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OCU Students Bring "CURRY" to the Japanese Urological Association

Published on Dec 02, 2019


The Annual Meeting for the Center of the Japanese Urological Association, chaired by Professor Tatsuya Nakatani, Urology Department, Osaka City University (OCU) Graduate School of Medicine, was held from Thursday 31 October until Sunday 3 November, 2019.

Taro Iguchi, Lecturer in the Urology Department, OCU Graduate School of Medicine, proposed that posters of a curry developed by OCU students at the Faculty and Graduate School of Human Life Science, be displayed and with it the secret that makes this curry, full of beef and vegetables, so delicious.

Lecturer Iguchi, a big fan of the curry, wanted to try something that has never been done before at a medical conference. He approached Associate Professor Yoko Yasui from the OCU Graduate School of Human Life Science, who supervised the students studying nutrition and their development of the curry, about the idea and the plan was successful!

On the day of, in addition to the posters, the curry was given to the Chairperson of the Urological Association and the symposiasts. They really enjoyed it! Students who participated said, “The experience of making and presenting the posters became our first step towards future academic presentations. Watching Lecturer Iguchi succeed in implementing his unique idea inspired us to pursue our own challenges.” What a wonderful learning opportunity! The curry is available for sale at the university‘s CO-OP.

From left: Ms. Wang Tianyue(Clinical Nutrition),
Lecturer Taro Iguchi
(Urology Department, Graduate School of Medicine),
Ms. Hiromi Maekawa(Nutritional Medicine)

From left: Ms. Mana Takeuchi(Nutritional Medicine),
Ms. Yumi Fujimori(Nutritional Medicine)


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”Curry full of beef and vegetables”
