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Fellowships and Guest Professors

OCU Guest Professors

OCU regularly invites Guest Professors from universities and research institutes abroad to hold lectures or participate in research or symposia. Invitations are extended on a case-by-case basis.

OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers

The OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers was established in 1992 to promote international cooperation and understanding through academic research. Each year, we invite between 5 and 9 internationally recognized scholars from other countries to come to Osaka City University (OCU) and conduct collaborative research. This Fellowship covers the travel and living expenses of the guest researchers.

OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding

OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
This Fellowship was set up in 1992 to promote and support joint research between young scholars at OCU and researchers in other Asian countries. It provides a program whereby OCU sends researchers to Asian countries in the first year and invites the participants to Japan to publicly report the results of their activities at OCU in the second year, with the aim of developing mutual understanding with other Asian countries.
*This program was discontinued in 2015


OCU Guest Professors
OCU Institute Name Partner Institute
Urban Research Plaza Zhang Jin Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
Former Director / China
Graduate School for Creative Cities Luis E. Cecchi University of Hamburg / Germany
Graduate School of Science Déo Mushagalusa Center of Research on Hydrobiology? / Congo
Urban Research Plaza Yuming Ma Inner Mongolia Agricultural University / China
Graduate School of Science Petcharat Werukamkul Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi / Thailand
Graduate School of Economics Joseph Zeira Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Israel
Graduate School of Business Miltiades E. Anagnostou National Technical University of Athens / Greece
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Liala Khronopulo Saint Petersburg State University / Russia
OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Urban Research Plaza Urban Agriculture Inner Mongolia Agricultural University / China
Graduate School of Economics Economic Globalization Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Israel
Graduate School of Business E-business and Innovation National Technical University of Athens / Greece


OCU Guest Professors
OCU Institute Name Partner Institute
Media Center Maria Brovelli Politecnico di Milano - Geodesy / Italy
Urban Research Plaza Lee Joo Hun University of Seoul - Department of Public Administration / Korea
Graduate School of Economics Zoya Podoba Saint Petersburg State University / Russia
Media Center Tuong Thuy Vu University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus / Malaysia
Media Center Sarawut Ninsawat Asian Institute of Technology / Thailand
Graduate School of Science Irina Shtangeeva Saint Petersburg State University / Russia
Graduate School of Engineering Geraldo Magela e Silva University of Brasilia / Brazil
Graduate School of Human Life Science Jeffrey J. Coleman Auburn University / USA
Graduate School of Science Pankaj S. Joshi Tata Institute of Fundamental? Research / India
OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Science Black holes and space-time singularity Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics / India
Graduate School of Engineering Dynamical behavior of excitons and polarons in conducting polymers and graphene nanaribbons University of Brasilia, Institute of Physics / Brazil
Graduate School of Human Life Science Elucidation of pattern-recognition receptors and their target molecules of nematodes Auburn University, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology / USA
Urban Research Plaza Japan-Korea comparative study on urban governance theory University of Seoul, Department of Public Administration / Korea
Media Center Web and cloud based geospatial services and applications with particular emphasis on citizen science and geocrowdsourcing Politecnico di Milano, Geodesy / Italy
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Media Center Building a cloud GIS framework that enables sharing and processing of spatial information in South-East Asia University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus / Malaysia
Asian Institute of Technology / Thailand


OCU Guest Professors
OCU Institute Name Partner Institute
Graduate School of Engineering Sreekumari Kurissery Lakehead University - Department of Sustainability Sciences / Canada
Graduate School of Engineering Easwaradas Kreedapathy Girija Periyar University - Department of Physics / India
Graduate School of Business JoongHo Ahn Seoul National University - Graduate School of Business / Korea
Media Center Andrea Antonello Free University of Bolzano / Italy
Urban Research Plaza Liling Huang National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning / Taiwan
Urban Research Plaza Yuh Chyi Huang National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning / Taiwan
Urban Research Plaza Eun Young Yu National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning / Taiwan
OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Business IT and Innovation Seoul National University / South-Korea
Graduate School of Engineering Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion and Antibacterial Metals
Special Lecture - 21 May 2014
Photo of Special Lecture
Lakehead University / Canada
Graduate School of Engineering Low temperature synthesis of nano-particle through biomimetic process Periyar University / India
Media Center Mobile processing for disaster prevention Free University of Bolzano / Italy
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Media Center Building a cloud GIS framework that enables sharing and processing of spatial information in South-East Asia Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology / Vietnam
University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus / Malaysia
Asian Institute of Technology / Thailand


OCU Guest Professors
OCU Institute Name Partner Institute
Graduate School of Engineering Anastasia Penkova Saint Petersburg State University - Faculty of Chemistry / Russia
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Gabriele Klein University of Hamburg - Faculty of Kinesiology / Germany
Graduate School of Human Life Science Chengjun Jing Sichuan University - College of Architecture and Environment / China
Graduate School of Engineering Hector Jorge Sanchez National University of Cordoba - School of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics / Argentina
Graduate School of Engineering Laura Eleonora Depero Brescia University - Division of Mathematics and Natural Science / Italy
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences Christoph Mittmann University of Zurich - Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies / Switzerland
Graduate School of Business Steven Taylor Worcester Polytechnic Institute - School of Business / USA
Graduate School of Engineering Zong-Bo Tan Tshignhua University - School of Architecture / China
Graduate School of Medicine Semir Zeki University College of London- Division of Biosciences / UK
Graduate School of Human Life Science Carolyn Whitzman University of Melbourne - Faculty of Architecture / Melbourne
Graduate School of Science David Hastings The Human Security Index
Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology Nathan Lewis California Institute of Technology - Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering / USA
Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology Richard Cogdell University of Glasgow -Biomedical Research Centre / UK
Graduate School of Engineering Ursula Fittschen University of Hamburg - Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry / Germany
Urban Research Plaza Aleksandr Sherstobitov Saint Petersburg State University - Department of Political Governance / Russia
Graduate School for Creative Cities Li Jing East China Normal University - Department of Economics / China
OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Human Life Science Heat Engineering Sichuan University / China
Graduate School of Engineering X-Ray Physics National University of Cordoba / Argentina
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Urban Research Plaza Engineering & Social Science National Taiwan University / Taiwan


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Law Political Science Chulalongkorn University / Thailand
Graduate School of Science Mathematics University of Oklahoma / United States of America
Graduate School of Medicine Anthropology Binghamton University / United States of America
Media Center Earth Science University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland / Switzerland
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Graduate School of Economics Chinese Economy Jilin University / China


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Law Civil Law Renmin University of China / China
Graduate School of Engineering Architecture Hanyang University / South-Korea
Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology (OCARINA) Photosynthesis Renmin University of China / China
Graduate School of Economics Organization Studies University of Humanistic Studies / Netherlands
Graduate School of Science Mathematics University of Fribourg / Switzerland
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Graduate School of Medicine Cardiac arrest Singapore General Hospital / Singapore
Seoul National University College of Medicine and Seoul National University Hospital / South-Korea
National Taiwan University / Taiwan


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
OCU Host Institute Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Graduate School of Engineering Urban Development Silpakorn University / Thailand
Graduate School of Medicine Medicine University College London / United Kingdom
Graduate School of Nursing Nursing University of Helsinki / Finland
Graduate School for Creative Cities Urban Policy University of Warsaw / Poland
Research Center for Urban Health and Sports Urban Health and Sports University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center / United States of America
OCU Fellowship for Promoting Asian Cooperation and Understanding
OCU Institute Fields Partner Institute
Graduate School of Busines> Profit management Tianjin University / China
Shandong University / China


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Business Seoul National University / South-Korea
Business London School of Economics / United Kingdom
Science McMaster University / Canada
Human Life Science Tongjj University / China
Remote Sensing Pune University / India
Urban Studies Ludwig-Maximilians Universit??t M??nchen / Germany


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Business Shanghai Jiao Tong University / China
Business Tilburg University / Netherlands
Economics University of Washington / United States of America
Literature East China Normal University / China
Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics Chinese Academy of Sciences / China


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Business University of Michigan / United States of America
Law Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University / Germany
Literature National Tsing Hua University / Taiwan
Life Science Aalborg University / Denmark
Computer University of Computer Studies Yangon / Myanmar
Medicine Slovak Academy of Science / Slovakia
Urbanism University Paris 12 Val de Marne / France
Creative Cities Shanghai University / China
Health-GIS Asian Institute of Technology / Thailand


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Business University of Melbourne / Australia
Economics Stanford University / United States of America
Law Hohmann & Partner Attorneys LLP / Germany
Literature University of Southern California / United States of America
Chemistry Dharam Samaj College / India
Engineering Lebedev Physical Institute(RAS) / Russia
Creative Cities Chinese Academy of Sciences / China


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
History Beijing Normal University / China
History University of Southern California / United States of America
Literature Harvard University / United States of America
Mathematics Suzhou University / China
Chemistry Aalborg University / Denmark
Chemistry Guru Nanak Dev University / India
Engineering University of Hong Kong / Hong Kong
Physics Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Physics / Vietnam


OCU Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Fields Institutes of Invited Researchers
Business Case Western Reserve University / United States of America
Chemistry St. Petersburg University / Russia
Physics Rostov-on-Don State University / Russia
Urology Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine / Ukraine
Human Lights North Carolina State University / United States of America
Media ITC-irst / Italia