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Japanese Government Scholarship Students

If you have passed the first selection of the Monbukagakusho Scholarship (for Research Students, Embassy Recommendation) and want to apply for a Letter of Provisional Acceptance to OCU, please go through the following three steps.??

Step 1
Find a professor you would like to ask to become your supervisor.
You can find professors in the following ways:
-?see the list of teaching staff on the HP of each Graduate School
- see the research fields of teaching staff in the university brochure (P9~16)
-?see the OCU researchers database
-?see who teaches a specific course in the syllabus of each Graduate School

Step 2
Contact the professor directly (in Japanese) or contact the Global Exchange Office (in English or Japanese).?If?possible, attach a copy of the Monbukagakusho documents.

Make sure to explain:
-?your academic background (diplomas obtained or expected in the near future)
- the level you want to study at: research student / master / doctoral
- which Graduate School and which course you want to enter
- an indication of your Japanese language ability
-?which professor you would like to ask to become your supervisor
- your study/research plan

Step 3
If a professor agrees to become your supervisor, request a Letter of Provisional Acceptance (内諾) and hand that in to the Japanese Embassy/Consulate in your country.


Please note that in principle all classes at OCU are taught in Japanese. In general, you therefore need a sufficient Japanese language proficiency to be considered for admission. However, at the master and doctoral level supervision in English may be possible, depending on the research field and supervisor.?

If you have any questions please contact the Global Exchange Office.


Contact form ?
Fax: +81-(0)6-6605-3592
Tel: +81-(0)6-6605-3558
